Chasing Zero: A Quest to Reduce Attrition Rate

Uncovering the hidden drivers of employee turnover in a tale of data

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During my study in the RevoU course, I have been given an assignment to assess a critical aspect of data analysis, which is understanding business problems. The assignment is intended to enhance my analytical thinking and proficiency in identifying business problems, and is inspired by a real case study from a top-notch company.

This project was completed as part of the assignment for the RevoU Full Stack Data Analytics course.

As a disclaimer, the analysis on this project is based on assumptions and uses the provided data only for an overview of possible metrics to provide, with no need for technical data processing.

Business background

The company XYZ Ltd, which employs 4000 people, is facing a significant issue with its annual attrition rate of 15%, resulting in numerous open positions that need to be filled with new hires. The CHRO has requested the data analytics team to determine what factors should be prioritized in order to decrease the attrition rate by next year.

Organizational structure

Organizational structure


The datasets and data dictionary related to this case study are available here for reference purpose.


I need to define the DARCI framework in order to establish clear expectations for each stakeholder’s role in this project.

Problem statement

Once the roles have been assigned, I need to clarify the problem to be solved by stating the problem statement using SMART, as follows:

“How to reduce the employee attrition rate from 15% per year to 10% within the next year by analyzing the data and implementing appropriate strategies?”


Then I include the following objective to ensure clarity and establish the project’s goal.

“To identify the factors that contribute to employee attrition and implement strategies to reduce the attrition rate from 15% to 10% within a year.”

Issue tree

To find the root cause of the problem, I use an issue tree to pinpoint and eliminate its underlying cause.

Issue tree

All potential root causes identified in the issue tree are based on assumptions. In reality, to confirm their impact on the problem, testing with data and statistical methods is necessary.

Hypotheses and metrics

After identifying all the root causes from the issue tree, I create hypotheses with priority based on their impact on the problem statement. I then focus on the hypotheses with high priority and propose key metric recommendations based on those hypotheses to monitor the attrition rate’s performance.

Please note that in reality, all the root causes must be proven through hypothesis testing.


Understanding the business problem is a crucial step in finding solutions. Using the right framework, including understanding the background, setting objectives, identifying root causes, and writing hypotheses, can help identify important metrics to effectively address the problem. This enables the company to implement the appropriate strategy to reduce the attrition rate from 15% to 10% within a year.