Data Analyst Chronicles

Unveiling Portfolio Projects

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I kicked off my data analyst journey by diving into some cool projects. These gigs not only boosted my portfolio but also honed my skills. Each project had its own challenges and taught me valuable lessons, making me a better at what I do. Now, let me tell you about the projects that really pushed me ahead.

1. Understanding Business Problem

In this initial assignment, I immersed myself in the business background to comprehend the underlying challenges. Through thorough analysis, including root cause analysis and creating hypotheses, I recommended metrics to tackle the problem head-on.
Skill set: DARCI, Problem Statement, Find Root Cause, Hypothesis, Metrics

2. Statistic and Spreadsheet

I delved into a case study and analyzed it thoroughly using Google Spreadsheet and XLMiner Analysis ToolPak Add-on. By exploring the data and performing linear regression, I discovered useful insights and recommendations.
Skill set: Data Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis, Hypothesis Testing

3. Customer Retention

I used SQL in Google BigQuery to dive into the thelook_ecommerce dataset and analyze it thoroughly. With cohort analysis, I gave some suggestions to improve customer retention for the business. I also made resource allocation better by using the BCG matrix.
Skill set: Problem Definition, Aggregate Function, Join, CTE, Window Function